Redford Village Hall Management Committee
Redford Village Hall Management Committee
Kate Hearle 01730 817101
Marion Hansford 07740 192951
Roger Lovett
Mike Reynolds
Management Committee
Management Committee
Kate Hearle Chair
Marion Hansford Bookings & Website
Roger Lovett Responsible Financial Officer (RFO)
Mike Reynolds Music Events Co-ordinator
Penny Caulfeild Secretary
Zinnia Coolbear Monthly Market Co-ordinator
Lesley Reynolds Events & Market
Friends of RVH
Friends of RVH
We rely heavily on our 'Friends' to help put on events, which, not only raise the funds necessary to keep the hall going, but also provide valuable opportunities for the community to come together and to meet new people.
If you would like to become involved (it's a great way to meet people, particularly if you've recently moved into the village) please contact Kate.